Don’t Sulk, Seek Counsel

Just like our weather, and time, our life also undergoes innumerable changes, if a few days are shiny, bright full of positive and good results, then there are also days where we may experience dark, gloomy and stagnated time, which just don’t seem to fetch any outcomes, making us feel stuck and trapped.

The most common response, by most of us to the changing times, is that we follow a pattern. A familiar pattern we are most comfortable with.
this is more so because we all enjoy being in our own respective system we have established for ourselves, and this same system is from which we derive our happiness and also solutions to our myriad issues of life.

This very same territory initially could be a routine that we have built for ourselves, then the same with its use over time, becomes a habit and at a more advanced level, establish itself as a zone, a comfort zone which now is an integral part of our daily life, and when the same zone start to experience changes, coming in from both internal and external factors, is when we find our self — into solving what we popularly called, issues, problems, difficulties or challenges.

This is a given fact, that there is not a single soul on earth, who may not have encountered any issues or problems in life, but the only factor that differentiates best from the rest, is one’s ability and approach adapted towards finding solutions to issues of life.

Problem Solving — It is more in the “How” than the “Why” of it.

Most of us approach issues of our life with almost the same pattern we have been applying since the time we had first understood, what a problem actually means. Even though our upbringing, environment and emotional makeup play a vital role towards the approach we adopt in resolving issues, however, most common mistakes which most of us end up doing is the repeat of our problem-solving techniques for every new or old issue we encounter.

” Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results “

Albert Einstein

The solution thus lies in approaching the issue through a different method, which could be a combination of techniques ranging from simple therapeutic journaling of thoughts via writing to sharing it with a friend or a confidante and sometimes even reaching out for an expert or counsel which may provide a fresh perspective.

If we look at the statistics provided by the leading research association on mental health and the ailments on the rise, the one common underlying factor which constantly emerges is the “stigma” attached to mental health. The stigma again is a complex mix of societal norms and individual belief system, and beyond the scope of this article, but at a more deeper level, when we observe closely trying to understand the root cause of issues, you will find ,it is the “lack of empathic minds,sense of fear, lack of safety, hopelessness, making an individual unable to express, articulate or identify, the most effective way to problem-solving ,and therefore is endlessly caught up in the vicious circle of trial and error methods”

Anytime if you find yourself stuck or trapped with an issue for a very long time, failing to find a way out, stop sulking, seek counsel, even if the solution seems beyond reach, you still may end up finding an alternative and a few new lessons learned, because there is nothing called failures, it is just new learnings, evolving you as a person, assisting you in your personal growth and development, sometimes even making a better version of you from the worst of what you had experienced.

Until next time

Best Regards

Mehnaz Amjad

(Life Coach)

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