How Coaching Helps

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Some time , clients reach out but with hesitation, because either they were persuaded to go meet and seek help, or a problem has been pressing for too long .

Jennifer during our first conversation told me , she was still not sure if she needed help , the term help often times make people feel more miserable or go into a vicious circle of self pity ,blaming every other person or event responsible for it.

But not many realize that seeking help ,reaching out is an act of courage , it takes lot of courage to share one’s vulnerable side ,trust the other person and then commit to make that change happen.

Jennifer reached out for help in planning her goals ,which she felt was not in need of any expert or outside help ,so her initial responses to the questions asked in the discovery sessions were brief , snappy and very short, she was sponsored for coaching by her organization , compensation do regulate behaviors and so do free sponsorship.

Wealth as a (Value;what is most important to us) ,plays a pivotal role in our life ,even if we do not directly earn it , we all hold a deep connect with it,unless otherwise it is sorted ,this value can either bring in lot of misery, with a cascading effect in almost all aspects of our life .

Inferiority complex , low self esteem, self pity ,failure ,status,prestige or lack of it are some of the common examples of those suffering in this given value of life.

Jennifer sponsorship brought her to the coaching world,which if not sponsored by her organization, she may have never got to explored it in depth .

Jennifer a disinterested employee ,slowly began to take interest got engaged and understood the real worth of the assignment ,when she started to experience changes which she never thought were possible , it all began with a simple step of planning her key goals on the specifics of SMART .

The goals statement of her’s are listed below .

What she wanted to achieve (S-Specific-What do you want to achieve)?

How will she know that she have achieved it (Measurable -How will you know you have achieve it ) ?

Is it something she has a control over (Attainable-Is it within your control to achieve it ) ?

How it is applicable and relevant to her life(Relevant -Why is this applicable to your Life) ?

By when she wanted to achieve it (Time bound-When do you want to achieve it ) ?

The above mentioned statements are derived from the SMART acronym of goals known worldwide , but the simplicity of it made her think inward, which assisted her surface up those views which she never considered or gave attention to before .

Coaching is experiential in nature ,unless one experience it ,only then it can be understood in depth and benefits reaped,it is one of the most simplest ways to bring in profound changes in life.

Mehnaz Amjad,
Life Coach & CBT Practitioner

Exercise : If you also want to experience how it can benefit you , try out this simple exercise for yourself, write 3 or 5 key areas of your life ,and then within each area ,write a goal using the above 5 statements ,repeat this for all your goals. To make it more easier an example is given below using the SMART Acronym

GoalKey area of LifeSpecificMeasurableAttainableRelevant Timebound
Loose 5 kgs by end of Dec 2020Health and wellnessLoose 5 kgs through diet I will weigh 5 kgs less than my existing weight Yes it can be doneIt is for my health 31st Dec 2020

Coaching has a lot to offer, but you can begin with as simple as a Goal plan ,your first step to a positive change in your life.

The image below can give you some ideas…

(c)Mehnaz Amjad 2020

About the Author : Mehnaz Amjad  is a certified Life Coach,a CBT Practitioner ,Founder of Guide & Advice which offers Life Coaching services to both individuals and organizations. Online : LinkedIn

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