Throw the Garbage out of your mind

As seasons changes ,in South part of India, we have summer with an onset of autumn . Dry leaves , grass, dry land ,balmy winds with a touch of humidity can be experienced through entire afternoon. A very common experience of any South Indian household.

With dryness enveloping the entire environment , dust and dry leaves are found aplenty and need to be swept almost on a daily basis ,with the dust and dry leaves, an unkept house , can make your courtyard resemble a ruined house from a scary movie.

For me one of the workouts of summer is to daily clean my garden area, and one fine day ,after a deep clean up, as I took the entire heap of garbage to be given away to the garbage man. As I walked in one hand carrying the garbage ,and in my other hand a bunch of currency notes and mobile ,on my way outside, I happen to meet three accomplices , with whom I share very little and they equally hold the same equation with me .

These set of people I met ,coincidentally have never been good to me , and I ‘ve always exercise a healthy distance with them . But this day was different . They all met me courteously ,filled with warmth ,cheerfulness, one even tried to offer help, to carry the heavy garbage bag, I refused politely ,but responded in an equal way with warmth to all three of them.

After the Garbage was dumped ,on my way back, my mind went back to the stories and experiences connected with these people ,but what PAUSED me ,was my act of throwing trash ,reminding me of the following

  • Let go off the garbage of assumptions
  • Let go the garbage of resentment
  • Let go the garbage of thinking errors ,which unnecessarily only invite stress and negativity.

If a non living courtyard requires regular clean up, so does our minds ,and if not cleaned of the garbage , it may result in a rigid mind , a mind filled with only negative thoughts ,which in the long run can cost a lot.

Practice this ,

Every night before going to bed , let go of the worries and concerns of the day , relax and await a new opening .

As we Let Go the many unwanted garbage piled up in the mind , it not only make you feel calm, but may restore feeling of peace a key for your well being in the long run.

Mehnaz Amjad

(c)Mehnaz Amjad 2021

About the Author : Mehnaz Amjad  is a Life Coach, a CBT Practitioner ,Founder of Guide & Advice which offers Coaching to both individuals and organizations. 

If you like to connect for a meaningful conversation with me ,Connect here.

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