Little Joys of Life -a Windy day

The wind is an amazing phenomenon, and humans are still only beginning to understand it.

The wind is unpredictable. It can be calm for a while and then suddenly whip up into a storm. The wind has many shapes – it can come from the left or the right, blow gently from the top of a mountain or across the plains, and create waves in an ocean.

After my father’s demise few months ago, being his caregiver for past 5 years , it was only now ,I had some time to myself ,when I sat in solitude ,and these heavy winds enveloped me for all sides. It reminded me of my childhood experience ,when I used to be a child ,completely soaked in nature ,enjoying every bit of it .

It was my summer vacation, and most of it we ended up spending it at our uncle’s house situated very far away from the city , those days we use to get bicycles on hire ,charges applied per hour ,and most of my childhood had spent in riding my bike on the rough terrains, exploring things that never existed.

I got my bike for good three hours, the wind was heavy and gusty , I was accompanied by my cousin, who did not inform me the brakes of the bike were not working ,and gave me a cooked up story of a white house nearby ,which both of us were about to explore .He also added the white house may hold a hidden treasure ,and we have high chances of owing it , besides the fictitious white house , he also told me the nearby mountain( a site used for cutting rocks) had diamonds and we should explore it .

We both rode our respective bikes ,at a high speed ,as the cycle were on rent and to be retuned within 3 hours, the exploration of white house and the diamonds from the rocks was a mission we were on, with not enough time at hand , I rode quickly and, after picking up a lot of momentum and speed, realized that the brakes were useless. It was steep and I came down with no brakes, losing sense of speed, to a screeching halt, my long legs coming to my rescue to stop the speeding bicycle. But in the process, I ended up severely bruised.

A windy day today, reminds me of the same day, I had experienced many moons ago, from it

I choose to retain my good memories of overcoming my fear of speed, soaking in nature, being joyful in the little joys of life, and letting go of the need to find the nonexistent white house or the rock that produced diamonds.

Mehnaz Amjad

The leaves fly past you in the wind and you can feel the cool air on your skin. You take a deep breath and close your eyes, enjoying the feeling of being alive.

Sit by a window and watch the leaves fly past you in the wind ,or go outside and feel the cool air on your face and body, ,with your hair flying around you like a mop in the movie “The shining” (unless you’re terrified of the ghost like me)

So what are you going to do today? to find your little joys of life .

(c)Mehnaz Amjad 2021

The blog post series on – Little Joys of life ,you will find stories and experiences, bringing to my readers a closer glimpse of my life, with the intention of bringing happiness to more people, which lies deep inside your own soul. All you need to do is find it in “The Little Joys of Life” !

About the Author: Mehnaz Amjad is a Life Coach, a CBT Practitioner, Founder of Guide & Advice which offers Coaching to both individuals and organizations. Connect

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