Sucking the Canna Flower Bulbs

As a five year old kid , plants and flowers always were part of my curious world. I would spend long hours watching the various shapes, color and contrast the flowers were comparing them to the main trunk and the leaves and keeping a record of the various shades a single plant would offer to my eyes.

These memories are still etched in my mind as clear as if it was just yesterday.

Later on in high school when the botany projects required me to collect plant sapling and the botanical names, I would be engrossed and spend hours doing so , losing track of time and fully engaged in an activity that brought me back into the company of plants and flowers.

I have inherited the love for plants from my uncle , who was equally interested in gardening and plants of all kinds , and it was he who brought the canna flower plant to our home which had a front yard and enough space for variety of plants to grow .

These flowers usually have a long bulb before it blossom into a fine flowers with petals, as soft as velvet , these bulbs usually store water and also collect the morning mist into its bulbs .

I watched my canna flowers every day , counting the bulbs and the flowers and waiting everyday for a new flower to bloom , but according to my patience, some of the flowers , were taking too much time to blossom , so one day out of curiosity , I tried opening the bulb myself ,and found water trickling down , I quickly sucked the bulb to taste the water , and it tasted good 🙂

The flower bloomed in the next three days , but my experience to suck water out of the bulb, now was not wanting any bulb to bloom, instead to stay into a hydrated bulb, filled with water and morning mist, so that I could repeat my most cherished experience.

Thirty five years later today when on a visit to the nursery I saw a Canna flower plant , my mind threw up my most cherished experience and without any second thought I bought a red canna flower plant ,waiting for the bulbs and the water beneath .

Canna Flower bought from Nursery 2022

The plant is in full bloom , and every time I check the bulbs , it fills me with laughter and smile that refuses to leave me ,softly chucking at my childhood adventures , Look around to ensure no one is in sight so that I could try it once more and see how does the water taste now 🙂

Canna Flowers

Do you have any such cherished memories from your past ,try to relive it and savor every moment ,filling your body and mind with gratitude and well being .

(c)Mehnaz Amjad 2022

The blog post series on – Little Joys of life ,you will find stories and experiences, bringing to my readers a closer glimpse of my life, with the intention of bringing happiness to more people, which lies deep inside your own soul. All you need to do is find it in “The Little Joys of Life” !

About the Author: Mehnaz Amjad is a Life Coach, a CBT Practitioner, Founder of Guide & Advice which offers Coaching to both individuals and organizations. Connect

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