My special friend’s of Monsoon

Dragon flies and I go long back in the history of one of the best phases of life, which was my childhood.

They are my special guest who would visit me, only during the rainfall and monsoon, along with several other species of its kind , but my interest was in them 🙂

After the re-opening of school in June ,and when the excitement of new books , new classroom and everything new dies down, my attention would then shift to our special friend , the dragon flies ! which would visit me in huge numbers .

I remember the long chase in my grandma’s orchard from late noon till the sun settled in the horizon, chasing each one of them for hours , and in the chase ,when I and my cousin sometimes got lucky , would be able to catch one of them .

I would struggle to hold it by it wings , and be very careful in doing so ,and then hand it over to my cousin , who would now be ready with the helicopter wings , (a dry grass twig inserting it in the back of the dragon fly ), and letting it fly again . We believed this grass twig gave our dragon flies an edge over the other , as we can now easily recognize them among the many , through our grass twig it carried.

The twig for us was our tag and our attachment shared with our dragon fly , we were very proud of our innovation and also strongly believed , the helicopter dragon fly was equally very proud carrying the twig in its back 😉

For a very long time , me and my cousin were very proud of our creativity and innovation , and continued to catch as many dragon flies we could lay our hands on for the tag, this creative adventure when it was narrated to our grandma, was met with a huge lecture , and an immediate stop, making us realize the grave sin we have committed of torturing an insect .

Our creative endeavor ended with a learning . But what could not go away was , the sheer joy of seeing our dragon flies turn into a helicopter through a dry twig 🙂

Few days ago, after my evening tea , watching the sun set, I happen to capture these dragon flies in the air, the very sight of it filled me reminiscing the memories of my creativity and adventures of my childhood . My Grandma’s voice echoed in my ear, along with my difficult to hold giggles bursting into a laughter with no remorse.

Savoring this memory ,I burst out laughing to myself for few seconds , and our next door neighbor watching me over ,from his balcony stood there wondering , what’s the joke all about ?

Savor your best moments

Do you have any such stories that would make you break into a laughter , go ahead, recall and savor it , to once again enjoy the little joys of life.

(c) Mehnaz Amjad 2022

The blog post series on – Little Joys of life ,you will find stories and experiences, bringing to my readers a closer glimpse of my life, with an intent to share the precious code of happiness ,which lies within our own self, and Life. All we need is to find it in “The Little joys of Life”!

About the Author : Mehnaz Amjad  , is a Coach, Founder of Guide & Advice which offers Coaching to both individuals and organizations. Online : LinkedIn

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