When the going gets tough, laugh it out.

​Struggling with my pending work, delayed assignments, and my visit to the doctor for my mother, suddenly I find myself in an irritated mode, something I coach most of my clients to stay away from.

But I’m as human as anyone of you, and regardless of all the knowledge and practice, there comes a time when everything simply melts down and I find myself in a mode of stress. 

Last week, on a hot afternoon, as the scorching sun depleted my energy levels, faster than the rising inflation in India, I quickly finished my afternoon prayers and while observing my fast, took an auto to look for an ATM that would accept the heaps of money I need to urgently deposit in it.

 Contrary to the peace and patience highly spiritual beings bring in, I find myself in the opposite mode, fuming, irritated hurried, edgy, and anxious.

My task of the day was to find an ATM that would magically accept the currency I need to deposit, the auto took me to various lanes and by lanes of Vijayanagar colony, and amidst a thick residential area, I found one, nestled in a small lane, I jumped to finish my task, but then quickly realized I forgot the  PIN I need to complete the task, this was because this was a different ATM and the sequence in my brain was not matching this new pattern of the board I had in front of me, in my irritation I made several wrong attempts, and as a result was eventually blocked, to transact any further.

Making way for others, waiting eagerly for me to come out, I came back and sat in the auto and kept dialing customer service, and the call exactly at the moment of being connected would drop off, I felt annoyed beyond words, fuming and frowning behind my mask, the auto driver an old guy in his late 60s who was silently observing the impatient soul I have turned into, politely offered me financial help, 

He said, “Bibi”(A Hyderabadi expression to address women) don’t worry I have some money, in case you need it urgently right now, you can return it to me later.  ​

Perhaps my stressed mannerisms and demeanor appeared I was in a dire need of money, and I had none.

I​ replied with courtesy, swallowing my frustrations along with my parched dry throat which had nothing to swallow.

   His polite offer brought a pause to my racing thoughts and behavior, As I sat down in the auto, took a deep breath, and recalled something I taught a recent client of mine, it’s called the “What’s the problem” technique, I thought it was time I used it on myself using the 3rd person,

so I asked myself – ​Mehnaz –what’s the problem? 

​The answer I received from within, turn out to be a collective impact of the warm weather, my dehydrated body due to fasting, and a few impatient thoughts which I allowed to hijack my mind.

A few seconds later, I could experience my energy shift tremendously, and I was back in my Zen Guru mode 😉 smiling and laughing,

because NOW, I just realized that I do not remember the new ATM PIN that I had set a few seconds ago, ouch!

I kept laughing to myself, behind my N95 mask, which startled the driver and the onlookers.

​The auto driver looked alarmed at my changing moods and frequency, and I realized that before I could create more problems for the old man, I should head back home.

On reaching home, paid the auto driver the fare along with a generous tip, this one was for the gentle reminder through his polite offer, that it’s recommended to take a pause, and look at things in lighter vein, when one finds oneself lost in the chaotic world of impatience, assumptions, and misgivings.

and the next best step is to simply laugh it away.

A good laugh heals a lot of hurts.

-Madeliene L’engle
Love Live Laugh

(c) Mehnaz Amjad – 2017 -2023

About the Author Mehnaz Amjad, is a Life Coach and a Cognitive Behavior Therapist,

I’m on a mission to empower people with strategies and tools, they need to cope with difficult times & navigate through challenging circumstances.

If you are in search of help to find a way out of your crisis, click to connect.

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