Conscious Interruptions for Clarity

A friend of mine was narrating to me an incident that occurred at his workspace, and while he was thick into the narrative, I interrupted him at a point, after which he completely lost track of his chain of thoughts.

I did this on a purpose and at a point when it was required.

I do not recommend you practice it, for it may annoy someone or may come across as cutting someone off which can strain any good relationship.

The reason for me to do so was to bring in a required break, he was in dire need of.

Not all interruptions are bad, some interruptions are needed and are required to push a person out of a rut, what I did with my friend was very contextual to help him find a space out of the web he was engulfed into.

But, if you ever find yourself, all mumbled jumbled in your head about a person, event, or issue, simply apply this technique, and give yourself a break that your mind is in need of.

When we interrupt, be it a narrative or a person, our brain is designed in a way that the neural pathways change tracks when we stop even for a fraction of a second, in some cases it’s good, while distraction is not what your mind may want to get into, especially when you are into a deep focused work.

So, use discretion when you want to practice conscious interruptions.

But short breaks are good for us, both for our body and mind, unlike machines, we are not built to operate at the same speed, frequency, and efficiency for a set period of time, but when we push our bodies and mind beyond permissible limits, is when we begin to enter into a deep stress mode leading to chaos and a confused state.


Offer yourself the gift of breaks, reset, and refresh, so that you continue to operate at your best capacity. 

(c) Mehnaz Amjad – 2017 -2023

About the Author Mehnaz Amjad, is a Life Coach and a Cognitive Behavior Practitioner

I’m on a mission to empower people with strategies and tools, they need to cope with difficult times & navigate through challenging circumstances.

If you are in search of help, click to connect.

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