Sudden Change

Problems are part of our life, a few days are just normal and run a regular course of routine, while a few days we find ourselves struggling with a lot. 

and then suddenly there are days when we are caught up with such sudden changes, that may leave us confused, overwhelmed, and emotionally distressed for days to come!

But change never inform and arrive, it just lands at a time when we are least prepared to deal with it.

Change can be in the form of bad news, or simply a new awakening we just had about ourselves, through an experience

So here’s what we all typically do when we experience a  sudden change?
  1. We resist change and then find ourselves struggling more and more because what we resist, persist.
  2. We want a quick and immediate turnaround.
  3. We criticize ourselves for not being able to find our way out. 
  4. We try to compare ourselves with others and sulk more!
  5. We self-pity our life and our experiences, finding ourselves as one of the most unfortunate souls on earth. 
  6. We try to use our old coping mechanism, which can be more detrimental than bringing in any real help 
  7. We want to simply give up and run away to a far-off place where the problems automatically get resolved

I’m sure, not one, but most of the points mentioned here would resonate with you, and I have on purpose used the term “We” to let you all know, how common it is to feel this way when we encounter sudden change, and that you are not alone, and we are all in it together.

Now that we understood the consequences of sudden change , let’s dive in to practice some very easy and useful ways to get a perspective on our stress.

Because change and problems are the two only constants in life and the more we equip ourselves to deal with it, the better it gets! 

Here it is 

  1. When you feel overwhelmed or any kind of complex emotion surfacing up, instead of avoiding it, try to be with it, regardless of how uncomfortable it is, remember each emotion has a cycle of 90 seconds, it rises and dissipates and loses its power .
  2. Do not try to hide your feelings or emotions, or keep them for some other time, simply accept and remember “It’s okay to not feel okay”
  3. Try to treat your own self just as you would treat your best friend if he or she is going through a rough time
  4. Do not miss your routines and stay in discipline, this is one of the most powerful ways to deal with difficult times 
  5. Do not expect overnight change, instead give yourself the permission and time to heal, dealing with yourself with utmost kindness and compassion.
  6. Try some guided meditation that would help you find your inner calm and peace (neuroscience has proven that the use of guided meditation to regulate your thoughts and breath as the most effective ways in dealing with distressing emotions )
  7. If you need help, reach out and seek support, it’s a sign of your courage that you care for yourself.

(c) Mehnaz Amjad – 2017 -2023

About the Author Mehnaz Amjad, is a Coach and a Cognitive Behavior Practitioner

I’m on a mission to empower people with strategies and tools, they need to cope with difficult times & navigate through challenging circumstances.

If you are in search of help, click here to book your FREE consultation call

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