Why behind the Why ?

Nithya was forced to stay put in a job she was stuck in and lived in a constant space of frustration and reaction.

She would work but with disdain, cribbing, moaning and bickering.

Most of her time was spent finding fault with the job, role, the client on the other side of the world who fails to understand, her supervisor, who, according to her, was a jerk, and then her subordinates, each like a different piece of a music instrument in an orchestra band, which she needs to regulate constantly.

Have you ever wondered?

Like Nithya, have you ever found yourself constantly being part of an organization, role, or team when nothing seems to work or benefit, yet despite all the reasons right before us, we stay put and, most importantly, never pay attention to why we do so?

Nithya was a case of an employee on the verge of burnout and also very soon being fired from her job; while she understood the apparent reasons for it, she still remained oblivious to its real reasons in the first place.


When Nithya signed up for my coaching program, “Journey of Self,” she was skeptical but enrolled because it was recommended by her mentor, whom she held in high regard.

The first few coaching sessions were difficult for both of us because Nithya, like her work, constantly searched for fault finding with anything that came her way and remained closed to any new suggestions or changes.

Considering her close approach, I changed my usual approach, and gave Nithya an additional deep dive session; it was an attempt to make her look inward rather than the outer world she had so much to blame for. 

The deep dive session is called -learning the— “Why behind the Why“, which can help an individual understand the underlying reasons for their behavior and emotional distress.

The roots and answers to it are often found somewhere in the past and largely depend on how open one is to be bringing in the change.

Nithya learning her truths

In the case of Nithya, she was both surprised and filled with disappointment to learn about herself, those things that mattered to her, that which drove her life, and that which she silently sought and persuaded; each layer opened her to a new truth about herself.

The whole process was mentally exhausting, but it also brought a deep release from all those burdens she had been carrying inside her, mostly irrelevant and many that had expired with time, but she clinked on to

And with each passing day, and practice, Nithya found herself soaring to new heights, gradually shifting to a space she always wanted but didn’t knew how to get there.

Are you ?

If, like Nithya, you find yourself constantly unsatisfied with the world around you, habitually finding faults with everything, and really want to understand what can help you move out of this negative zone, you find yourself stuck in, here is what you can do.

(c) Mehnaz Amjad – 2017 -2024

About the Author Mehnaz Amjad, is a Coach and a Cognitive Behavior Practitioner

I’m on a mission to empower people with strategies and tools, they need to cope with difficult times & navigate through challenging circumstances.

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