Be Kind to be Resilient

There was a time in my life when I would start a project with lot of enthusiasm only to feel dejected and disappointed mid way and then filled with lot of irritability towards the end.

While the reason was very less to do with the project and people around, but more to do with me and my inner self.

Having very low level of resiliency often made me stay in a vulnerable state, struggling with the following;

#office politics

#stretched goals

#ambiguity of any kind

As a result, I found myself trying to cope with the same issue I had begun with, but despite repeated efforts back into the same struggle.

I would often wonder, how and what do I need to work on to find a way out.

Then came a point , where I could no longer cope and it was getting difficult ,cascading down to every area of my life , including my physical health 

It was there when I took my first resolve as I stepped out of the Neurologist clinic, who suggested that I need to build my resiliency.

Resiliency Building

Having no clue where to start from, I thought let me begin with understanding the very meaning of the word “resilient”. It was fifteen years ago, and I actually didn’t even know the meaning of it.

Having been through the depths of low and eventually understanding not only the meaning of it, but living it to this day, one key takeaway from my arduous journey which I would like to share is, while the concept of Resiliency is huge and encompass almost every sphere of life, – Self Compassion makes for the majority of it.

Self is at the core of it, and within self, it’s our ability and courage to be kind and compassionate towards oneself, that truly what makes us into a resilient being. 

Neglected Self

During my inner work to build resiliency, I was both appalled and deeply moved when I met my neglected self of years, emotionally bruised and deeply wounded, yearning for kindness and compassion like a starved child bereft of nutrition and care.

I was filled with lot of sympathy towards it, but also realize, I was in need of self-compassion and not sympathy and there’s a lot of difference between the two.

The year I made a conscious decision to introduce self-compassion in my non resilient life, it was the year that turned out to be a major turning point and my first productive step in building my resiliency.

If you find yourself often wondering why you end up in the same set of issues with no possible way out, I urge you to take your first step and invest in self-compassion practice.

and if you are trying to understand more, as to what you need to do for that, click here 

(c) Mehnaz Amjad – 2017 -2024

About the Author Mehnaz Amjad, is a Personal Coach.

I’m on a mission to empower people with strategies and tools, they need to cope with difficult times & navigate through challenging circumstances.

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