How emotions impact our Physical Heart

Many moons ago ,in my biology class when I first learned terms like Cardiovascular diseases ,myocardial infarction (heart failures),the immediate reaction , was to burst into giggles ,making valentine shaped hearts and connecting heart only to the emotion of love,which to my understanding as an adolescent was the only emotion that the heart dealt with. High school ended so did the subject biology ,and every thing related to the organ called Heart!

Fast forward many years later ,during the early days of coaching ,I happen to coach a client a widow ,a teacher by profession ,highly organized and process oriented.

Despite living a close to satisfied life,but post retirement ,she found herself stuck in the melancholy of a tragedy that struck her 20 years back. All her working years this tragedy never surfaced and was safely hidden in her heart and she continued to work ,or perhaps she found escape in work from the harsh reality which she always wanted to avoid .

20 years ago,she lost her husband to a massive cardiac arrest ,who died in a foreign land miles away ,with no proper aid and resources to his rescue ,all she was left with were the memories of the conversation they both exchanged few days before he succumb to a fatal end. She never heard him again ,nor was part of the last journey ,as he made to the grave in a complete unknown land amidst strangers.

A common complain she continued to mention in most of the coaching sessions was ‘the tragedy has a deep impact on her heart” and post retirement found the tragedy surfacing up like an uncontrollable force which she could no longer avoid .

Most of us in our adult life ,never know nor do we understand how crucial emotions are to our mental and physical health and a when they get out of control ,the kind of havoc they can play in our life.

Therefore it is essential we pay attention to and understand this key thing called “Emotions”

Key factors about Emotions,which we need to make note of is :

  1. Emotions are integral to our quality of Life
  2. Emotions are powerful and can impact our overall well being
  3. Emotions can affect the most powerful organs of our physical body both Heart and Brain
  4. Emotions misunderstood can lead to chaos,disruption and sometimes even fatal results
  5. Sometimes we need outside help / experts to understand and regulate emotions.

My coach assignment assisted her find an acceptance point ,to make room for her tragedy ,because few things in life are better managed when accepted than being understood!

Mehnaz Amjad

While I sit back and reflect ,and got reminded, what I laughed off as a student of biology ,today I find myself working with several people helping them regulate their emotions to safeguard the same organ(heart) ,so that they experience a holistic well being,because our emotions DOES impact our heart.

Conclusion : Any fact validated by experts and proper research ,brings in a shift in perception ,prompting us to pay attention to what’s being shared ,therefore would request my readers,if you could spare few minutes and watch this insightful Ted Talk which reinstate the impact of our emotions and its deep connect with our cardio function and its failures .

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