How Meanings attached impact us

​ A by-lane inside the furniture market of Nampally, Hyderabad, where the Tarapoor school of Montessori once was, a huge palatial building of British architecture with a vast expanse of garden, setting the perfect example of how an educational institute should be, is now a memory of the past, the building collapsed many years ago and is now replaced by a congested high rise chock-a-block apartments, accommodating people and furniture, later for sale and the ​former for stay​, all under one roof. ​

Passing by the same​ lane, floods me with the best memories ​of my childhood and the countless precious moments, I cling to so strongly, that even as a two-and-a-half-year-old, to the present day, the memory is alive as if, it’s about yesterday.

​Now, if you ask someone else to describe the same lane I just mentioned, even if you were to pick one of my batchmates from the year 1983, the description will be far different from mine, including the meanings and emotions attached. 

Similarly,if you have ever wondered, listening to a music track that may flood your mind with memories of the past? or just like me passing by a familiar street or place, makes you feel extremely nostalgic.

​What is responsible for such experiences?

While there are no straight answers to the working of our mind, in tandem with our ever-changing emotional state, the best way to understand this, is by reflecting on the formation of belief systems in our mind, the basis on which we associate and attach meanings to things , which is also is the seat that drives our values(things that matters to us the most).

Subconsciously, we all assign meanings, to our experiences and our world within and outside, we are doing it all the time as we experience life ,and this is the seat of our belief system.

So next time,

When you find yourself, struggling in an important space of life, which could be your health, relationship, or ability to earn, try these powerful techniques I recently taught a client, through which she was able to understand , how the meanings she attached and the belief system she held, impacted her,keeping her stuck and confused ,despite in access to the best of everything in life.

Click to watch How Simone found her clarity and direction

Exploring your belief’s system and rewriting them for better, can assist you seek the change you want to create in your life.

​In reality ,we all look at the same thing, in incredibly different ways, our view could be the same, but our perceptions vary with each person.

Mehnaz Amjad

(c) Mehnaz Amjad 2022

About the Author: Mehnaz Amjad is a Coach, Trauma Healer & a CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapist), and the Founder of Guide & Advice which offers Coaching to both individuals and organizations. You can Connect with me.

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