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Power naps of the noon-Little joys of life

I could be a psychology expert and a technology geek. Yet, the best part of my present-day vocation is the time around late noon, especially in the summer, precisely two hours after lunch.

It is my “me” time to be with myself, unwind and relax.

My best practice is a power nap of 10 minutes on my office floor; I prefer hard surfaces. I am accompanied by my humming air cooler, with water tricking at its Khus-made walls, a drop here and there, and a few occasional drops on me, the ceiling fan trying hard to compete and throwing in a mix of warm and cool air with a tinge of Khus fragrance in the room.

In a matter of seconds, I drift off to my dreamy world.

I am in my most comfortable space, filled with a deep sense of gratitude and contentment; this brief ten-minute break from the world is an achievement in itself, reminding me about some of the best decisions I have taken when I decided to quit both my corporate job and a mindless chase for I do not know what.

I give myself complete permission to “just be” and absorb these priceless moments.

I wake up watching sunshine losing its intensity, as the sun journeys west to rise on the other side of the world.

It reminds me of a typical day in life of any character in Malgudi Days, an imaginary location I closely relate to and travel along with R.K. Narayan.

Some days, when sleep refuses to come by, I lie awake, playing with the leaves swaying through the sunshine.

Even though I do not believe in rebirths, my best guess is that I would have been a farmer in my former birth or an orchard farmer who prefers an early start, moderate sunshine, and then enjoying a noon nap to refresh and rejuvenate.

I think, along with the heavy ancestral trauma that I hold (healing in progress), I also have traces inside me of a farming community. While I could not gather anything related from the present family setup, and with my father no longer alive to shed more light on this, I let my assumption be my truth!

Savoring technique

The experience I’ve shared here is called the “Savoring technique” picking up the best moments from your everyday life, living it mindfully and reminiscing the experience, healing the nervous system of its toxins and trauma.

Being a regular practitioner of it, found it to be a crucial component to build our resiliency, foster mental health and well-being.

And, if you would like to learn and explore it further, I invite you for a free call, to schedule it , click here

The blog post series on – Little Joys of lifein this space, I am bringing you stories and experiences from my life to share the unique source of happiness that resides within each one of us. Let’s explore these “Little Joys of Life” and find joy within!

About the Author Mehnaz Amjad, is a Life Coach and a Cognitive Behavior Therapist,

I’m on a mission to empower people with strategies and tools, they need to cope with difficult times & navigate through challenging circumstances.

If you are in search of support to help you, find a way out of your challenges, click to connect

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