Build your Self Worth

Sam worked very hard ,right from his college days to completing his article ship and then as an auditor .

Coming in from a very humble background ,he had to work real hard to gain a position within the glamorous fortune 500 firm he was placed in.

But despite a steady and a stable career ,and lot of accolades on his leadership skills and team management,when the organization was acquired by another giant ,he not only lost his job and but his confidence in regaining another one.

Mergers often lead to layoffs,a very common scenario in corporate ,but for people like Sam it was a major life changing event.

He has been associated with the firm for past 15 years ,had experienced milestones both personally and professionally ,in short ,after more than a decade the firm was his second home,where he eventually planned to retire.

 Often ,when we find ourselves uprooted ,we not only experience trauma but our core beliefs are shaken ,and it takes lot of resilience to regain the core and the lost confidence .

Most of us with a steady job do not pay much attention to the changes in the outside world market because ;

1.Our steady career denote we are on the right track

2.The firm’s financial health denotes ,one can grow along with it

3.The way life moves it makes for a very comfortable , in a no risk zone 

But a sudden shift actually leave most unprepared ,and in desperation ,coming to term with the fact that after all company is an artificial entity sans emotions .

   There are plenty of cases such as Sam’s with dented confidence and self esteem,fighting their battles ,but too shy and vulnerable to speak out and reach out , and with as many number of years gets added to the experience, the more reluctant people become sharing their struggles ,with the fear that the vulnerable side will do more harm than any good to them and their respective careers.

Our self worth is very subtle ,we often do not even pay attention to it ,unless we land up in situation where we begin to have complex yet correct questions hitting our “self”,and we look for ways out of the conundrum.

Constant analysis of our skills ,reaching out to referrals in strict confidence,silently looking out for jobs, toying with the idea of job vs joining a friend who has recently turned an entrepreneur ,indirectly expressing interest in exploring opportunities ,are many ways we try to find a more decent way to build our lost self worth tarnished by years of enduring the corporate chaos ,meeting the needs of family ,and covering a long career trajectory which has hit a wall.

Therefore even after 15 years of in-depth experience ,what Sam struggled was not another job but a revised and a stronger version of his self worth ,which will not only equipp him maneuver the current ongoing crisis ,but also reconnect back him to his “Self” so that he knows what he actually want and does not have to be a victim of some external decisions which dictate his trajectory of life ,nor a resident of comfort zone which finds it too difficult to survive when suddenly thrown out of it.

Know your “Self Worth ” to stay in-charge of the world within and outside .

Join me for a Conversation if you find yourself struggle to know your self worth

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As a Life & Business Coach ,I assist people problem solve the most common issues of life related to Self Development ,through simple and effective coaching techniques.

Until Next time….

Warm Regards,

Mehnaz Amjad

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