How our belief’s shapes our Career choices.

No, you are not good with math, and hence can never ever make it to the top institutes.

No one has ever done business in our family , on what basis do you think you want to be an entrepreneur?

No, you just can’t !

These are not dialogue ,from a yesteryear Hindi movie, but some the most frequent statements I heard ,while growing up , which then eventually laid down the foundation , to a lot of limiting beliefs I held in my life ,about my ability to be an entrepreneur.

A very interesting research in psychology and neuroscience , explains the beliefs we carry in our growing years , hold a very deep impact on the choices we make in our careers.

Where does this beliefs actually come from ?

Though there is no simple answer to it , but to simplify the complex brain functioning of cognition, stimuli ,thoughts and behaviors, understand most of our beliefs ,are a set of thoughts we hold and follow, based on what we are exposed to from early on in life .

Example ; a child born in a rich influential family , may hold a very different belief about money and scarcity ,to a child born in a house of modest means.

Besides the environment and experiences, our care givers ,our roles models and our close connections, play a vital role in shaping our belief’s for a wide range of aspects of life, including our careers and professions.

Mehnaz Amjad, Coach

Today as an entrepreneur ,when I bask in the success of my business establishment , and try to gather the many lessons learnt over the past several years , what really resonates with me , when I find myself in situations questioning my career choice , are the answers, which brings back memories of those very difficult initial years ,which tested my patience and forbearance at every front ,but at the same time , also brought out the best of me as a creative genius, as a marketer ,as a cognitive behavior practitioner, healing minds, and as a Coach assisting people with their goals.

The lessons learnt , also include my experiences of corporate years , a phase of my life, where I never believed in my self or the treasure house of competence I held , instead what kept me busy was the fixated thoughts about my performance and the lack of it ,just delivered to me by my manager who himself was in dire need of help and support to improve his.

But why I remained fixated under the debris, of my manager’s feedback ,holds answers in the deep beliefs I carried , indoctrinated to me in my growing years about various concepts ranging from authority ,safety, success, risk to many other, which indirectly never permitted or allowed me to look beyond the other potential side of me.

Today ,a wiser me ,find these new realizations both funny and ironical . But with deep reflection work ,also understood what really determined all the wrong and right career choices I made.

So, if you find yourself ,extremely dissatisfied with the job ,role ,or people around , and constantly questions the career choices you have made.

Simply pause and reflect, and then answer the following ;

What according to you is a highly successful and fulfilled job ? define it in your own words.

Then recall, and write where does this beliefs stem in from.

In doing so, you may just end up discovering the real root cause of the question in your head .

But, if you think, you need more help on this , you can schedule your FREE consultation call, here

(c)Mehnaz Amjad 2022

About the Author: Mehnaz Amjad is a Coach, & a CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapist), Founder of Guide & Advice which offers Coaching to both individuals and organizations. You can Connect with me.

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