Scared of being happy.

​As a grown-up adult, Elise finds herself gifted with plenty of opportunities to be happy and joyous; from her next-door neighbors to her first cousins, she had a vast network of friends and accomplices together, contributing to a rich social life.

But despite the best of everything within her reach, Elise felt something amiss.

It took a lot of time for Elise to reach me for help; her peculiar issue kept her confused; she struggled to understand why she was so scared of being happy. Any new opening, new opportunity, new customer, success with finances, meeting deadlines, being awarded, increased demand for her new designer clothes, her supportive family, and her partner.

The more success and good things turned up, the more worried she became!

Deep dive – Coaching sessions

It took more than a month of coaching sessions to assist Elise in understanding what she was scared of. And for that, we had to travel back to her childhood, peeling layers of her very young life and a profound event that had impacted her.


Issues pushed beneath the carpet are like termites; the more issues one pushes down, hides, sets aside to deal with it some other day, or procrastinates for a particular event or milestone to cross, the more power we offer them.

The tricky part is that these issues successfully stay hidden. And simultaneously also slowly eat away our resiliency power during their hidden stay.

Later to be manifested in different spheres of life, sometimes as a weird fear, unexplained pains and aches, or as a complex set of beliefs constantly interrupting the present-day mindset.


Every layer peeled made her both surprised and startled as she unearthed herself.
her initial first few sessions were quite uncomfortable; here’s where my role as Coach comes to play, I taught her the right approach in opening herself to her “inner self” through set of tools which were most appropriate for her problem.

With consistent practice and accountability sessions, Elise was able to find her way out!

Today, Elise is in a space, enjoying her parenthood, an excellent spouse, and an artist going places with her creative work.

Let’s reflect ;
  1. Is there something in your life that you find difficult to face?
  2. Have you been wearing a lot of emotional masks?
  3. Do you feel drained out and exhausted fighting your inner demons?
  4. Did you yearn for someone to hear you out without judgment?
  5. Do you find it difficult to trust others, due to past experiences?

Then, my friend, I want to let you know that you are not alone in this journey; just like Elise, I will be honored to assist you in finding what’s draining you of your resilience energy and restoring it, so that you learn the most effective ways to rebound from setbacks and not have to hide things anymore for a lack of a solution.

To take our conversation ahead, click here.

(c) Mehnaz Amjad – 2017 -2024

About the Author Mehnaz Amjad, is a Coach and a Cognitive Behavior Practitioner

I’m on a mission to empower people with strategies and tools, they need to cope with difficult times & navigate through challenging circumstances.

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